
ScaleYOU Friday Video 14 – Jason Fried: Why Work Doesn’t Happen At Work

Last week, Yahoo!, CEO Marissa Mayer, sent out a memo (directive) intended to stifle Yahoo! employees’ ability to work from home. She effectively put an end to telecommuting for all Yahoo! employees.

Interesting. In one memo, in almost silent desperation, Mayer tries to close the lid on an unstoppable movement called the future of work.

In this Ted Video, Jason Fried takes the opposite stance: that the office isn’t a good place to do work. In his talk, he lays out the main problems (call them the M&Ms) and offers three suggestions to make work work.

Perhaps it’s not about being a polemic.  Clearly there are times when being at the office is important, but in these days of high-speed networks, video-conferencing, Skype and what have you, working from a home office can be much more productive than working in a landscape situation where you have to find refuge in an empty office or conference room every time you have an important phone call. You decide – that is if you don’t Work for Mayer…

Click here to enjoy the video

Duration: 15:21

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Happy Friday!

Michael Hoffman

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