Read expert insights on leadership challenges, productivity, and personal growth.

The End of the Road for Two of My Heroes
Two of my musical heroes passed away this fall. First, my conducting mentor at Arizona State University, conductor of the South Dakota Symphony Orchestra, and former Principal Trombonist of the Philadelphia Orchestra, Henry Charles Smith; and most recently, the estimable lyricist and composer, Stephen Sondheim. Both were American intellectual and musical giants who significantly inspired me, both Renaissance men, and both nonagenarians at the time…

ScaleYOU Friday Video 29 – Everyday Leadership
In this TED video, Drew Dudley (tell me his parents didn’t name him after some fictional cowboy figure), helps us recognize the power of everyday leadership. It’s an amazing concept that we should all aspire to. Drew talks about a “lollypop moment”. It’s a moment that I think many of us, as leaders and as regular…

I Love Cheesecake, But Man Is It Expensive
I Love Cheesecake, But Man Is It Expensive The truth is, I love cakes, I really do. The recipe that was handed down to me by my mother has all the elements of a fabulous New York style creamy cheesecake heavy on the graham cracker crust (my favorite part) and a sour cream topping that adds just the right…

Looks Can be Deceiving, so We Stick to Tried and True Pareto
My team (steeped in the 80/20 rule or Pareto Principle) came to me with this; Trello’s (new?) way of adding priorities to cards - and I have to say it looks very cool. Unfortunately, this time Trello got it wrong. Looks can be deceiving. Ok Trello fans, before you dismiss me and send me hate mail, know that I’m a big Trello fan…

Lacking Discipline? Get Values Cheerleaders
Lacking Discipline? Get Values Cheerleaders I’ve been flying for over 50 years. How a plane defies gravity with its own massive weight along with the weight of passengers, baggage and freight is, for me, always mind-boggling. Every time I fly. Core values of flight An airplane is designed and constructed by teams of thousands of individuals meticulously following an explicitly detailed master plan. Each step enables it…

Dear M. Bernard Arnault, Leave Greta Thunberg Alone
Dear M. Bernard Arnault, Leave Greta Thunberg alone. Did you publicly criticize climate 16-year-old activist Greta Thunberg for “surrendering to catastrophism”? Really? I am so astounded by your comment, which I read moments ago in Forbes Magazine that I simply had to write to you and make sure that there was no error involved. Surely,…
Your Path to Growth Starts Here
Michael offers personalized coaching programs, leadership development workshops, and productivity solutions to help you and your team unlock their full potential.
Built long-term partnerships with leaders in Fortune 500 and enterprise companies.
Guided organizations through transformational growth, improving leadership effectiveness and operational efficiency.
Coached executives across industries such as IT, energy, manufacturing, and hospitality.