Food, Health and Fitness, Lifestyle

I Love Cheesecake, But Man Is It Expensive

The truth is, I love cakes, I really do.

The recipe that was handed down to me by my mother has all the elements of a fabulous New York style creamy cheesecake heavy on the graham cracker crust (my favorite part) and a sour cream topping that adds just the right tanginess.

I always make it around Thanksgiving time. In that spirit, I add some pumpkin filling and garnish it with candied chestnuts. OH MY GOD is it good.

Normally, however, I don’t eat cheesecake.  It’s just too darn expensive — calorically.

Yeah right! You’re thinking.  He’s no cheesecake-o-file.  If he were, a little thing like calorie content wouldn’t stop him. 

No. Way.

Uh, yes way. 

How expensive can cheesecake be?

If you look very closely at the label in front of that sorry excuse for a slice, you’ll see KCAL 598 and 31 grams of sugar per slice.  Let’s put that in perspective.

31 grams of sugar is about 8 sugar cubes.  A can of Coke has 10.  Doesn’t help does it? We kind of say, Oh, well that sounds like a lot! But it doesn’t really resonate and cause us to freak out.

Now try this on for size: You would have to walk for two hours to burn off that tiny sliver of cheesecake. Two HOURS!  Of course, you could run for about 45 minutes instead OR you could run and NOT eat the cheesecake so that the running actually adds value instead of some sadistic quid pro quo.

Imagine running 8K, eating a piece of cheesecake directly after and coming to the realization that all of that effort was for naught! Worse, if you’re as much of a fan of cheesecake as I am you’d probably have to circle Manhattan three times to burn off the real NY-size portion you scarf down.

So, guess what?  It’s nearing Thanksgiving.  Decision time.

My inner angel is reminding me how I just ran a 10K a couple of weeks ago.  All of that work would go to waste.  10K wouldn’t even cover the calories of one NY-size portion. It just wouldn’t make any sense to continue with that insane tradition!

So, here’s what I’m gonna do.  I’m going to make my fabulous pumpkin cheesecake with candied chestnuts and thick graham cracker crust.  Then I’m going to have me a couple of big-ass pieces of that delicious cheesecake.

I don’t care about how far I have to run, or walk, or do Freeletics, or any of that jive.

That’s simply what REAL cheesecake lovers do.

You’re damn straight.

Michael Hoffman


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