
Read expert insights on leadership challenges, productivity, and personal growth.




The Day of the Dog – a Fable, Kind Of

Last summer my girlfriend and I received a text message from her 17-year-old son telling us that he was headed up to our summer/weekend home with a suprprise - a puppy. Now I'm going to cut to the quick: we had our first major discussion. It's not that I don't like dogs.  I do.  I grew…

ScaleYOU Friday Video 14 – Jason Fried: Why Work Doesn’t Happen At Work

Last week, Yahoo!, CEO Marissa Mayer, sent out a memo (directive) intended to stifle Yahoo! employees' ability to work from home. She effectively put an end to telecommuting for all Yahoo! employees. Interesting. In one memo, in almost silent desperation, Mayer tries to close the lid on an unstoppable movement called the future of work.…

ScaleYOU Friday Video 11 – Itay Talgam – Lead Like the Great Conductors

I LOVE this Ted video.  Many of you know that before becoming a consultant I conducted symphony orchestras, and it is from this musical tradition that I received most of my leadership skills and philosophy.  Itay Talgam perfectly captures the various ways that conductors lead musicians (employees) and he deftly illustrates how different forms of leadership…

Waiting for better times?

THE most common objection our sales executives (that’s the two of us) receive from a potential customer is: I know what you’re going to say (nervous ha ha) because it doesn’t really make sense (nervous ha ha), but we don’t have the time to do this right now even though we realize how much time…

ScaleYOU Friday Video 10 – Carly Fiorina (Former CEO of HP): Leadership and Capability

In this youtube video, Carly Fiorina speaks about how leadership is a combination of capability, collaboration and character.  She underlines that it is up to, and the responsibility of, leaders to drive change.  To take risks, to keep learning and to change the order of things are things that only leaders can do. Duration: 5:03 This…

ScaleYOU Friday Video 9 – Dr. Patrick Dixon – Leadership and motivation at work

In this youtube video, Dr Patrick Dixon speaks about leading by leading by helping people connect with their passion. We've all heard this message before in various books and speeches, so it is not that I hope to introduce something new but to inspire you to continue on this path and to rejuvenate your commitment…

Your Path to Growth Starts Here

Michael offers personalized coaching programs, leadership development workshops, and productivity solutions to help you and your team unlock their full potential.
Built long-term partnerships with leaders in Fortune 500 and enterprise companies.
Guided organizations through transformational growth, improving leadership effectiveness and operational efficiency.
Coached executives across industries such as IT, energy, manufacturing, and hospitality.
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